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Summer was different.

Updated: Oct 1, 2020

This summer was full of changes in the world due to the global pandemic. The landscape of Basketball and sport in general has changed as we know it. However that didn't stop us from continuing to get better in any way we could.

In the beginning it was zoom training and home workouts provided by yours truly. We did a lot of ball handling, and used our drive way hoops if that was an option. We ended each daily workout with a strength and conditioning portion and a plank. One of our players beat Coach Yoni by holding his plank for 8 and a half minutes!

Once they started re-opening, we got right back to work. We had private training in our drive way and strength and conditioning workouts in the back yard. Everything was done safely from a distance as we learned more information on how to stay safe during Covid-19.

As summer went on and things progressively opened up. We continued to train outdoors to stay on the safe side. We found a big court with 6 hoops where we trained twice a week, and continued to do private training for anyone wanting extra work.

Eventually September rolled around the weather wouldn't allow for us to train outside, so we found a gym and got a great group together to train and compete.

As the family grows, we continue to move forward with safety coming first in this new world. However, we won't let anything stop us from continuing to stay in shape and stay ready for any opportunity to come our way.

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